Calle de la calabaza 3, Fuentebravía, 11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
Llámanos 696 24 24 51
Opening hours: From 9:00 to 20:00h - Monday to Friday. From 9:00 to 13:00h - Saturdays
Opening hours: From 9:00 to 20:00h - Monday to Friday. From 9:00 to 13:00h - Saturdays

drenajesiliana undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018 of 7 September on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices. This accessibility statement applies to the website.


This website is partially compliant with RD 1112/2018 due to the exceptions and non-compliances of the aspects indicated in the following point.


The content below is not accessible due to the following:

Non-compliance with RD 1112/2018.

Some non-textual content may have a textual alternative [1.1.1 - Non-textual content].

In some cases, colour may not be used as the sole means of conveying information [1.4.1 - Use of colour].

Some links may not identify their function or destination in the text of the link itself or through the text of the link next to its more immediate context [2.4.4 - Purpose of links].

In some cases, normal text in images may not have a contrast to the background colour of at least 4.5:1 [1.4.3 - Contrast].

The focus may not be visible by keyboard [2.4.7 Visible Focus].

It may happen that the name of an accessible element does not contain the same letters and in the same order as the visible label [2.5.3 - Inclusion of the label in the name].

Occasionally the focus may not be perceived from the keyboard [3.2.1 - When receiving the focus].

There may be occasional code editing errors on some web pages [4.1.1 Processing].

Some points of the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines [9.6 WCAG 2.1 Conformance Requirements] are not met.


This statement was prepared on 1 February 2024. The method used to prepare the statement has been a self-assessment.


You can make communications on accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018) such as: report possible breaches by this website transmit other difficulties of access to the contents make any other query or suggestion for improvement on the accessibility of the website through the contact form on this website or telephone 696 24 24 51.


If, after a request for accessible information or a complaint has been submitted, the request has been rejected, the data subject does not agree with the decision taken or the reply does not meet the requirements set out in Article 12(5), the data subject may initiate a complaint. A complaint may also be initiated in the event that the period of twenty working days has elapsed without a reply.